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Information management

As a public authority, the National Land Survey processes large amounts of various kinds of information. This page contains a more detailed description of how the National Land Survey processes and manages information.

The operational sectors of the National Land Survey are subject to different obligations, depending on the sector. In addition, several obligations are relevant to all operations and the National Land Survey's goal of producing secure services of a high quality.

Data balance sheet

The National Land Survey's data balance sheet is a concise description of the agency's central principles and practices concerning the sustainable and secure processsing and utilisation of information. Information is described as a function of the most essential tasks of the National Land Survey.

The data balance sheet describes which types of information the National Land Survey maintains and why, what the function and significance of the information is to society and how the information is made available to society. A number of indicators and statistics are described annually.

The data balance sheet supports good information management and conformance. At the National Land Survey, the data balance sheet supports accountability as referred to in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and it is also connected to the implementation of the Finnish Act on Information Management in Public Administration. The contents of the data balance sheet are a significant part of the National Land Survey's document publicity description and information management model.

Data balance sheet 2022 (pdf, 15.6.2023)

Tietotilinpäätös 2021 (pdf, 19.5.2022), in Finnish

Tietotilinpäätös 2020 (pdf, 11.5.2021), in Finnish

Tietotilinpäätös 2019 (pdf, 15.5.2020), in Finnish